He was made poor, for us to be rich. He was bruised for our transgression and relegated to the place of a criminal, just for us to be redeemed by his blood. SON OF A CARPENTER is a spirit filled song with a message of salvation for all. The lyrics in this song is so powerful that it tells us of what it took for us to be saved from the grip and stronghold of the devil. As we go about our activities, let us have this in our hearts, that we have a glamorous and glorious home which Jesus has gone to prepare for us. where I will be, you also will be those are his words to us. SAMMYSCOTT is a seasoned worshiper, a charismatic music ministers, who loves the things of God with passion. The song was produced by Marv C.
Its a must have song and be an agent of evangelism of the gospel of Christ. Christ in us , the hope of glory.
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